Partonomy list P4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

middle phalanges of hand (pair)

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Top level skeletal system Short Extended
Level 2 bones of upper limb (pair) Short Extended
Level 3 phalanges of hand (pair) Short Extended
Current level middle phalanges of hand (pair)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
75817 1019 tax
middle phalanges of hand (pair)
phalanges mediae manus (par)
23933 10885 tax
middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
phalanx media digiti secundi (par)
37502 11805 tax
base of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
37560 11809 tax
body of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
37618 11810 tax
head of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
11811 tax
trochlea of middle phalanx of index finger (pair)
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti secundi (par)
23934 10886 tax
middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
phalanx media digiti tertii (par)
37514 11806 tax
base of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
37572 11812 tax
body of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
37639 11813 tax
head of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
11814 tax
trochlea of middle phalanx of third finger (pair)
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti tertii (par)
23935 10888 tax
middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
phalanx media digiti quarti (par)
37526 11807 tax
base of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
37584 11815 tax
body of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
37642 11816 tax
head of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
11817 tax
trochlea of middle phalanx of ring finger (pair)
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti quarti (par)
23936 10889 tax
middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
phalanx media digiti minimi (par)
37538 11808 tax
base of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
basis phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
37596 11818 tax
body of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
corpus phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
37654 11819 tax
head of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
caput phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
11820 tax
trochlea of middle phalanx of little finger (pair)
trochlea phalangis mediae digiti minimi (par)
21 lines
95.2 %
95.2 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 1019
Number of children 62 (validated)
Number of units 21 (validated)
Signature 21267 (validated since 9.10.2024)
Date: 13.10.2024